Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update
Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update (Image via Roblox)

Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update: Check Patch notes

Toilet Tower Defense is a popular tower defense title on Roblox. The developers have launched a new update to the game. This update has introduced fresh units to numerous bug fixes and changes much to the pleasure of the community. Hence, in this article, you will find the complete patch notes for the new Ultimate update.

Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update – Complete changelog

Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update - Complete changelog
Toilet Tower Defense New Ultimate update – Complete changelog (Image via Roblox)

New Units

Quantum Cameraman (Ultimate)

Harness the power of dark matter to destroy toilets!
This ultimate is in the SUMMON – the first one to be there.

It is 100x rarer than Godlies. If after months hundreds of thousands of godlies are summoned, we are aiming for only a couple thousand of these summoned per month.

This cameraman has many cool abilities. Here they are:


Spawns wormholes on the track every 50 seconds that will teleport a toilet below 5m strength anywhere between the start of the track and the wormhole location. It can only be used once per toilet. If a toilet too strong touches it, or a toilet touches it for a 2nd time, it will damage the wormhole like a barrier.

Damage Galaxy

The Quantum Cameraman uses some of his galactic powers to spawn a zone where toilets constantly take 50% extra damage while inside.

Quantum Laser

One of the most powerful lasers in toilet tower defense.

Quantum Pulse

Every 10 seconds, this cameraman lets off a pulse that does extreme damage to toilets and slows toilets under 5m strength by 70%.

Speaker Drill Pencil Clock TV Cameraman (Exclusive)

This unit can be found in the Exclusive Shop for 599 Robux.

Watch out toilets! This vampire is hungry for Skibidi blood.
Every time this cameraman dashes forward to attack, the toilet has a 5% chance to turn into an ally (Only toilets under 1M Strength / Strength = Base HP x Speed).

New Features

Auto Summon

Because of adding something super rare – and many people have tons of coins – we added an auto summon feature!
Now you can summon while AFK! Join the group that owns the game to use this feature.
Whatever you summon after turning auto summon on will repeat until you press the big red “Stop” button (or if your inventory fills up. make sure auto sell is on too! or it’ll fill with godlies lol)


Unlock mounts for 500 gems!

Completing challenges (instructions on mounts menu) will award you mounts!
There are 3 tiers. Tier 1 is common (basically free). Tier 2 is rare (complete events, not too hard). Tier 3 is insane (very rare or exclusive)!

Bug Fixes & Improvements

  • Reduced lag when loading into Lobby & Matches!
  • Slightly buffed Titan Cactus Man & Titan Meatball Man!
  • Added Slowing Tag for Upgraded Titan Cinemaman.

Also Check –

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